Return to Monkey Island Gameplay Trailer

Check out our beautiful, NEW gameplay reveal for RETURN TO MONKEY ISLAND, setting sail for Nintendo Switch and PC later this year! We hope you like it as much as… read more Return to Monkey Island Gameplay Trailer

Posted in Apple Awards LEGO Star Wars

LEGO Star Wars: Castaways WINS the prestigious Apple Design Award and More!

Congratulations to Gameloft, LEGO, and the Lucasfilm Games teams on the overwhelming success of LEGO Star Wars: Castaways and their 2022 Apple Design Award win for best visuals and graphics…. read more LEGO Star Wars: Castaways WINS the prestigious Apple Design Award and More!

Star Wars Celebration 2022

Had the pleasure of attending Star Wars Celebration this year in Anaheim. While there, I frequented the Star Wars Hunters booth talking to fans, was a panelist for our “Star… read more Star Wars Celebration 2022

Posted in Volunteering

LIFE at Disney: Starlight Children’s Foundation

It was such an honor to volunteer time at the Starlight Children’s Foundation and visit the families at George Mark Children’s House on May the 4th. Together, we built LEGO… read more LIFE at Disney: Starlight Children’s Foundation

Return to Monkey Island Announced!

The SECRET is out! We’re making a BRAND NEW Monkey Island game with Ron Gilbert and the teams at Terrible Toybox and Devolver Digital! I have been trying to make… read more Return to Monkey Island Announced!

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – Gameplay Overview

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is set for release on April 5th 2022 for PlayStation 4 and 5, the Xbox series of consoles, the Nintendo Switch and PC.

Star Wars Eclipse Announced!!

STAR WARS™ ECLIPSE lets you play as a diverse cast of charismatic characters, each with their own story, abilities, and role to play in the tapestry of events that could… read more Star Wars Eclipse Announced!!

Star Wars: Hunters – Enter the Arena | Gameplay Trailer

Meet the fearless Hunters and watch them battle for glory within The Arena in our first gameplay trailer for #StarWarsHunters!

LEGO Star Wars: Castaways

I’m thrilled that we can finally reveal and discuss LEGO Star Wars: Castaways, the first online social, action-adventure LEGO Star Wars game coming November 19 to Apple Arcade! Head over to the official… read more LEGO Star Wars: Castaways

LEGO Star Wars: Battles Launches Today!

Build. Battle. Repeat! Today is Launch Day for LEGO Star Wars: Battles exclusively on Apple Arcade! Battles is a fun, deep, and competitive game that is super charming and looks… read more LEGO Star Wars: Battles Launches Today!