Category: LucasArts

Posted in Announcements LucasArts Lucasfilm Lucasfilm Games Monkey Island

Monkey Island 30th Anniversary Box Set

We’re very excited to announce our collaboration with Limited Run Games for an amazing multi-game box set to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the initial release of The Secret of… read more Monkey Island 30th Anniversary Box Set

Solo Trailer w/Kinect Star Wars Soundtrack

So happy to see some love for the amazing soundtrack from Kinect Star Wars being used on this parody trailer.  Trust me, we made this game with a lot of… read more Solo Trailer w/Kinect Star Wars Soundtrack

A Eulogy for LucasArts

A Eulogy for LucasArts

Posted in 1313 LucasArts Star Wars Team 3

Star Wars: 1313 Team

Great group of people making amazing things.  I’ll watch your careers with great interest.

Posted in 1313 LucasArts Team 3

Team 3

IGN News : LucasArts Closes Its Doors

KSW on Big Bang Theory

Howard and Raj show of their Galactic Dance Off moves on The Big Bang Theory! I’m glad the writers of the show understood the humor and fun we were going… read more KSW on Big Bang Theory

The Walt Disney Co. Buys Lucasfilm

Great news for Star Wars fans! Great news for Disney stockholders! Great news for Lucasarts?

Craig stands proudly as Mark lurks in the background.
Posted in 1313 LucasArts Star Wars

Gamescom 2012: Star Wars 1313 Preview

I had the pleasure of attending Gamescom 2012 this year in beautiful Cologne, Germany to discuss and play our run-time demo of Star Wars 1313.  We had a fantastic reception… read more Gamescom 2012: Star Wars 1313 Preview

Conan O’Brien Reviews Kinect Star Wars