Category: Interplay
Descent Forever?
Interplay has a brand new website up with dedicated pages to some of their previous games, including Descent! Not really sure where this image above comes from, but I assume… read more Descent Forever?
The Phoenix
Their website only has the image below, but it seems Interplay is about to rise from the ashes. Here’s hoping they get their act together soon enough to make a… read more The Phoenix
Descent 3 Tournament in Las Vegas
As part of the release for Descent 3 Interplay sponsored a $50,000 multiplayer tournament in Las Vegas. Mark, Jerry, Chris P., Damien and I were in attendance to see the… read more Descent 3 Tournament in Las Vegas
Descent Maximum for PS1
Excited to release my first PlayStation game: Descent: Maximum. Built on top of the recently released Descent II for PC, we’ve made an all-new experience exclusively for PlayStation with new… read more Descent Maximum for PS1