Guinness World Records 2011
We made the Guinness Book of World Records for Monkey Island 2: SE’s audio commentary! Pretty cool even if, admittedly, they hand out a lot of these “records”. Seems we… read more Guinness World Records 2011
The Best iPhone and iPad Games of 2010
Monkey Island 2: Special Edition has been ranked as the #2 Best iPad game and #19 Best iPhone game of 2010 by Metacritic! Check out the full list here.
Those Birds Make Me SO Angry!
Damn! We nearly made it to the top spot on Apple’s Top 25 Paid Apps list this week! Still, ranking number 2 just under Angry Birds is an AMAZING accomplishment… read more Those Birds Make Me SO Angry!
MI2:SE — We Have ANOTHER Hit!
The reviews are starting to come in and it looks like we have another hit! Here are just a few of the reviews (click the image for the full review):… read more MI2:SE — We Have ANOTHER Hit!
Monkey Island 2: SE in Entertainment Weekly!
We made Entertainment Weekly’s “The Must List” for the week ending July 25, 2010! Click on the image above to go directly to their site or check out what they… read more Monkey Island 2: SE in Entertainment Weekly!
Monkey Island 2: SE Released!
I’m so very proud of this game. We worked so hard to make this great, respond to the fans of the first Special Edition, and give them something special with… read more Monkey Island 2: SE Released!
Blur Studio’s Monkey Island 2: SE Trailer
How AWESOME is this trailer!??
Behind the Scenes of Monkey Island 2: SE
The Monkey Island 2: Special Edition trailer, making of, webdoc thingajig has been released today and just in time for my birthday! Check out just how much we jammed into… read more Behind the Scenes of Monkey Island 2: SE